Light Handle Covers | Operating Theatre Essentials | Purple Surgical

Light Handle Covers

The Purple Surgical Light Handle Covers are devices designed specifically to cover the handle of a piece of medical equipment (e.g. operating light) to provide a physical sterile barrier between the handle and the hand of the healthcare professional, e.g. during a surgical procedure and mitigate against the risk of transfer of infection from the non-sterile equipment to the patient.

Features and benefits include:

  • Sterile, single use convenience
  • provide a physical sterile barrier between the handle and the hand of a healthcare professional, as per functionality test reports: FUNC-TF1000 (ETO) & FUNC-TF1000(Gamma).
  • Gives control of light direction to surgeon and/or scrub personnel
  • Securely retained by the unique ‘rigid’ flange and ribs
  • Full range of handle adaptors ensure compatibility with all theatre lights
  • Ability to conveniently ‘re-cover’ if contaminated
  • Available in single, double for maximum convenience and minimal waste
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ProductCodeDescriptionPack Qty
Light Handle CoverPS4611Single pack - labelling description100 / Box
Light Handle CoverPS4612Dual pack - labelling description100 / Box